Thank you for the fast response and understanding when we had the flash flooding recently. Rooms 1 to Room 4 were close to flooding but fortunately the rain abated, and the water receded. I know some families were affected again by flooding in their homes and it caused traffic chaos across Auckland. Many children feel anxious when these events occur, so we try to ensure everyone feels safe.
Our thoughts and aroha are with the whānau and the students of Whangārei High School as they deal with the heartbreak and grief due to the loss of the student who tragically died on a school caving trip.
Our BEE value this term is:
We are very proud of our students and the way in which they demonstrate all four of our school values: Honesty, kindness, respect and responsibility. The focus for term two is kindness.
Tips for cultivating kindness
Model kindness
Lead by example ample and show your children what being kind looks like.
Encourage kindness
Small acts such as helping an elderly neighbour.
Notice kindness
Recognise and praise our kids when you notice them being kind and supportive to one another.
Be kind to yourself
Cut yourself (and others) some slack by not expecting perfection.
Sister School Visit – Mulberry Grove School Great Barrier Island
Last week we welcomed nine students and two staff. Our Kapa Haka Group performed a few items and then the students spent some time in classes with their buddies. In the afternoon we ventured to Sylvia Park for lunch. Simple things such as escalators are a real treat, as were the choices of lunch at the food hall. The principal stayed an extra day to work with Mrs. Sue Kandasamy on developing their assessment knowledge.
We have organised Author, Filmmaker and Speaker Rob Cope, producer of the documentary “Our Kids Online” to come and give what promises to be a humorous and eye-opening evening talk to our parent community.
Here is a promotional video for you to watch Our Kids Online Parent Evening.
The talk will be held in our school hall on Thursday 22nd June from 7- 9pm.
We strongly encourage at least one adult from each family to attend, this topic is too big for us not to pay attention.
Head Lice
There have been a large number of head lice cases across the school in recent weeks.
Head lice are small flat insects that live on the human scalp and breed all year long. Eggs are laid close to the scalp and are firmly glued to strands of hair. The eggs are small, hard and pale grey in colour, after hatching the egg cases are white.
You should check your child’s hair for head lice once a week.
Look over the scalp for insects or eggs, especially;
– around the hairline at the back of the neck
– behind the ears
– on the crown
Head lice should be treated if you find a live insect on the scalp or if you find eggs on the scalp. You will need a special shampoo or lotion from the doctor or pharmacy to kill both insects and eggs. Ordinary shampoo will not kill head lice.
To prevent the spread of head lice, if your child has shoulder length hair or longer, please ensure it is tied back in a ponytail or braid when at school. Teachers will have a supply of hair ties should your child require one.
Thank you for your support with limiting the spread of head lice.
Claire Stretch
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