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Bullying-Free New Zealand Week 17-21 May
Empower students to take the lead and prevent bullying behaviour.
This year’s theme is He Kōtuinga mahi iti, he hua pai-ā rau – Small ripples create big waves. Below is some great advice form the Bully Free NZ website
If everybody says something, we can change everything.
Why is this important?
It is important to talk about bullying and not let it live or grow in silence. Talking about it shines a light on it and stops bullying from being hidden or ignored. If you are being bullied or know that someone else is being bullied, tell someone you trust. You might think it will make it worse, but doing nothing will not help it go away.
Now’s good, later’s good. It is not when we speak up, it’s that we do.
Why is this important?
There are no magic words to support someone who is being bullied.
There are a range of ways you can help and support someone who is being bullied and they depend on the situation. Sometimes it feels too hard to say something at the time, but you can still make a real difference by reaching out afterwards.
No one wants a box of crayons all the same colour. Be You
Why is this important?
Just like crayons, we are all a little different. We live different lives and have different ideas, interests and experiences. Together we make the world a more vibrant place! If we were all the same, the world would be much duller. We are all unique and we all matter. Learning to accept and celebrate our differences (as well as our similarities) makes the world brighter! It is important that we have space to be ourselves and to feel safe.
Kindness costs nothing but means everything.
Why is this important?
Showing kindness to others and ourselves can create a chain reaction. When kindness becomes expected and normal then bullying is less likely to happen. Even the smallest acts of kindness can change how someone is feeling.
One of the best things is that when we spread kindness, we feel just as good as the person we are being kind too. There is also a great whakataukī that you could use to spread the message of kindness.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai.
If kindness is sown then kindness you shall receive.
Let my voice shape my now
As young people, they have a unique and important voice to share. They understand what works best for young people. They can help adults around you learn from you too. When they get involved encourage them to share their thoughts, ideas and feedback, they can make a real difference.
What is bullying?
We hear the word bullying a lot. What is really important is that we understand what it is (and what it is not).
When we all have a shared understanding of bullying, we can recognise it, deal with it when it happens and most of all stop it from happening in the first place.
Bullying is harmful.
It hurts and some people carry it with them for their whole life. It is not normal and it is not part of growing up. Other things can hurt too (like teasing, having an argument or fighting) but they do not normally happen repeatedly. They still need to be dealt with so that they feel happy and safe.
What can I do if I see bullying?
When we speak to people that have been bullied, many of them remember that it felt like no-one helped them. They felt alone and that nobody cared.
There is no perfect thing to say or do if you see someone being bullied that will make everything magically get better.
Remember the key message:
“If everyone says something, we can change everything”.
What matters is that we do say SOMETHING. When we do nothing, the message we send is that what is happening is ok (and it isn’t).
Bullying is done on PURPOSE; there is nothing “accidental” or unplanned about bullying.
It is a PATTERN; it happens over and over again.
It is all about POWER; one person (or a group) has more control and influence than their target.
Please encourage your child to talk to their teacher ring or you as a parent or guardian come and see us or ring if you have any concerns. The sooner we deal with any suspected bullying the better.
School Behaviour Model
We have introduced PB4L- Positive Behaviour for Learning
PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. The framework is based on international evidence.
The Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide framework, otherwise known as PB4L School-Wide, is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. The framework is tailored to our school’s own environment and cultural needs.
It is not about changing the students; it is about changing the environment, systems and practices we have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choices.
PB4L School-Wide is based on the Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework developed at the University of Oregon in the 1990s. PBIS is now in thousands of schools across the United States and there are over 700 School-Wide schools in New Zealand.
Lost Property
The lost property bin is located on the deck by the Parent and Whanau Centre. Please encourage your children to look there as often they have left their clothing on the playground or field and gone back to class.
Student Safety
Thank you to everyone who is respecting the clearway areas. This makes it safer for traffic flow, just a small reminder that parking half on the curb and the road is not legal and you will get ticket by the council parking wardens. If you see someone please politely, point out the signs as sometimes-new parents or parents from the Day Care maybe unaware there are restrictions.
Emergency Contact
Please make sure you let the office know if there are any changes to phone numbers, emergency contacts or a new addresses. Several times this year we have had difficulty contacting parents because of changed information. Thank you in advance.
Maternity Leave
Next week we farewell Mrs Neva Bassingthwaite and wish her all the best in this chapter in her life .
A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities – By Eda J. Le Shan
Also sleepless nights, teething, tantrums, complete lifestyle change but most importantly unconditional love. Parenthood is a unique journey that not everyone has the good fortune of experiencing. Congratulations Neva, enjoy the ride.
Thank you
Thank you for entrusting your children in our care. Visitors and parents often comment on the positive, caring and happy atmosphere that exists at Pakuranga Heights.
Ongoing research shows that family engagement in schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores parents’ confidence in their children’s education. Students with involved parents or other caregivers achieve at a higher level, have better social skills, and show improved behaviour.
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